Hello! Bonjour! Hej! (You didn’t think we’d just let a Eurovision pass without recording our thoughts about it, right?) Join Julia and Lauren for a recap of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest 2024 hosted in Malmö, Sweden. (Big shout out to Baby Lasagna and Croatia’s best-ever result at Eurovision–Čestitamo!) Later, take a quiz called “Breaking the Code.”
P.S. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for some fun news on the horizon!
[Music: 1) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license. 2) Xylo-Ziko, “Code,” 2022. Courtesy of Xylo-Ziko, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.]